The Dangers of Chocolate
Dogs normally love the taste of chocolate and sweet flavours, whereas cats generally do not.
Chocolate however contains the stimulant theobromine which, when consumed is toxic to dogs. Cats are also sensitive to theobromine, but as they don’t have sweet taste receptors, infrequently consume chocolate.
The amount of theobromine content varies according to the different types of chocolate. The darker the chocolate, the higher concentrations of theobromine there is – white chocolate contains the least amount of theobromine whereas dark chocolate and cocoa powder contain the highest levels. Therefore depending on the type of chocolate consumed and the amount it could lead to a fatal toxic reaction.
So if your dog does eat any chocolate, err on the side of caution and contact your vet, as soon as you can. They will then be able to work out if a toxic dose has been consumed and the likely treatment needed.
Also have a read of this blog written by Adored Beast