Four Leaf Rover Protect- More information



Can I give my dog Protect daily?


Yes! Protect is a veterinarian formulated soil-based probiotic blend made for daily use.

Four Leaf Rover made Protect to support a healthy gut and immune system, while helping your dog detoxify from everyday pesticide and toxin exposure. Protect is a great choice as a daily preventive plan for good health. 


Can I give my puppy Protect?


In most cases, if you have a new puppy, it’s best to focus on fresh whole food nutrition for a good start to life. But in some cases, probiotics can be helpful. If your puppy is changing from a processed diet, then a probiotic can help support good digestion. 


Why does Protect contain fewer bacteria than other probiotics? 


Soil-based probiotics are spore-forming, which means they can form a hard coating that protects them from the high heat and stomach acids that typically damage most probiotics. It also helps them colonize in the colon where they belong, not in the small intestine. 


Will Protect help my dog’s digestive upset? 


Yes, Protect contains probiotics that have a proven track record in supporting gut and digestive health. If you don’t have success with Protect, you could try Bifido For Fido instead.  While Protect is a daily probiotic, BFF is a multi-strain probiotic for occasional digestive upset. Please contact your vet for further advice. 


How do I know if my dog needs probiotics?


Since 80% of the immune system lives in the gut, most dogs can benefit from probiotics. 

Probiotics are live organisms that provide health benefits. These beneficial bacteria have a few key jobs in your dog’s body. Gut bacteria can help:

  • Digest food
  • Produce key vitamins (including Vitamin K and Vitamin B)
  • Produce serotonin and influence mood
  • Produce enzymes
  • Reduce the gut pH
  • Crowd out harmful bacteria
  • Produce fatty acids that discourage the growth of harmful bacteria
  • Support the immune system

What is Saccharomyces boulardii?


Saccharomyces boulardii is considered a probiotic because it benefits the gut and immune system like a probiotic. But it's actually a healthy yeast, not a bacterium.

As a probiotic yeast, S. boulardii is much less susceptible to gut-stressing drugs and chemicals than probiotic bacteria are.


I noticed white specs in the blend, what causes this?


Protect has little white specks, which are the probiotics and prebiotics.


Why is my jar of Protect a different color than the last one?  


You can expect a natural variation in colour in Protect due to the bentonite clay and other earthy ingredients. It’s perfectly normal.


Should I keep Protect in the fridge?


If you have room, we recommend keeping Protect in the fridge. While the soil-based probiotics are shelf stable, the Saccharomyces boulardii is more fragile. If you can’t store it in your fridge, just be sure to keep in a cool, dark place and use the jar within 30 days of opening.